Chasing Light
Welcome. This is where I share my work and also the work of others, those that inspire me, the weird, the great, the unusual.
It is a goddamn marvel this life. Take a look.
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Standing XV
André Kertész | The Fork
I am an amateur and intend to remain one my whole life long. I attribute to photography the task of recording the real nature of things, their interior, their life.
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Lying Chaise XIV
Robert Frank | Paris New Year, 1949
…if one is sensitive, it has an effect on you. So maybe it’s better not to be sensitive as a photographer and just go on. Many photographers today have that but I never had that. I think it’s nice to be sensitive as a photographer and maybe it’s harder.
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Lying Chaise XIII
Richard Avedon | Ezra Pound
Nothing written for pay is worth printing. Only what has been written against the market.
-Ezra Pound
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Room XII
Gordon Parks | Long Haired Furs
Many times I wondered whether my achievement was worth the loneliness I experienced, but now I realize the price was small.
-Gordon Parks
Tokyo | Shibuya Crossing
One of the most photographed intersections in the world, I went there a few times, trying to capture something that was different.
Helmut Newton | Fuck you money
Helmut Newton said that looking back, he admitted that he had sold his soul “like a whore.”
Tokyo | Ueno
I don’t know why, but I cannot stop shooting crosswalks.
William Carlos Williams | This Is Just To Say
Two interesting portraits of Williams to contrast, only three years apart, both for Life Magazine.
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Chaise VIII
Sebastião Salgado | Churchgate Station
I only work only in 35mm format. I have a small bag so I can carry all my films with me for one or two months. That means I am completely independent and free.
-Sebastião Salgado
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Chaise XI
Irving Penn | Lisa Fonssagrives
“It is always the dress; it is never, never the girl. I’m just a good clothes hanger.”
— Lisa Fonssagrives
Morocco | Timahdte
Traveling the M13 road through the Middle Atlas, there are few signs of life in the high desert except for shepherds and their flocks. These two Berbers lived nearby and invited Farid and myself to tea.
Henri Cartier-Bresson | Capa & Chim
Morocco | Farid
This is Farid.
I met him at the entrance to the main gate to the medina in Fez, both of us sitting down at a cafe for a morning cup and smoke. I had realized quickly that my original plan of spending my entire trip in Fez was mistaken as I had shot hardcore for two and a half days and felt that I had already had my fill. After all, you can only shoot a pic of a donkey in an alley so many times.
Ellen von Unwerth | Audrey Tautou
I’m into capturing the moment. Sometimes, I’ll rip the camera out of my assistant’s hands and he’ll be shouting, “But there’s no film in the camera!” and I think, “Never mind! Let’s go.